
发布时间:2024-06-23 14:39:49 访问次数:

fighting night,feeling fine

i m get how to get good time

raisemy hands, watch me dance

everything is all right

drive though car on cool girl's right atmy side

feeling free, come with me

if you is i driving in the car waiting talk tosinging

listen to the radio day and(switing)

i am feeling good(every'beauter)

traveling on beach,when sun is shining

hug with friends(vin)to good life

is great but i know love is greater than it


summer sun having be fun

sunburn needs my(touts)

pefect day catch lines everybody know

all(very) is good, in this world

comes one of ball,my creater hits my(seduer)

he is more arden

driving in the car waiting talk tosinging

listen to the radio day and(switing)

i am feeling good(every'beauter)

traveling on beach,when sun is shining

hug with friends(vin)to good life

is great but i know love is greater than it

lifes catch down youcan see you always are wrong

(i will be ) your side ohthat everything is all right

(is gaqu)in your hands, even when touch your bad

everyis great





so much greater than die
