
发布时间:2024-06-26 16:59:38 访问次数:


It was obviously a great experience doing those films, and I would have

loved to keep doing it. But they wanted me to sign on and do three more

films without even seeing a script, and they offered me less money to do

three than I'd get paid for one! So it was a business decision.

大体意思是说,他很希望继续出演,但是他还未看剧本的情况下就被要求签约,而且是一下子超过三部**的合同,而且,他们给他开出得三部**的合计片酬比杰森自己要求的一部都要低,这是经济问题,也就是片酬问题没谈拢。 杰森已经是好莱坞超级巨星了,想想也是对的。
