
发布时间:2024-06-25 01:43:17 访问次数:

StarCraft:BroodWar 全角色对白



(出场00) You want a piece of me, boy?

(闲聊00) We go move!

(闲聊01) Are you gonna give me orders?

(闲聊02) Oh my god! He's whacked!

(闲聊03) I vote we frag this commander.

(闲聊04) How do I get out of this chicken (BEEP) outfit?!

(闲聊05) You want a piece of me, boy?

(闲聊06) If it weren\'t for these damned neural implants you\'d be a

smoldering crater by now!

(Sti00) Ahh...That\'s the stuff!

(Sti01) Ahh...Yea!

(选择00) Commander.

(选择01) Standin\' by.

(选择02) Checked up and good to go.

(选择03) Give me something to shoot.

(行动00) Go! Go! Go!

(行动01) Let's move!

(行动02) Outstanding!

(行动03) Rock 'n roll!


(出场00) Need a light?

(闲聊00) Is something burning?

(闲聊01) Haha, that\'s what I thought.

(闲聊02) I love the smell of napalm.

(闲聊03) Nothing like a good smoke!

(闲聊04) Are you trying to get invited to my next barbecue?

(闲聊05) Got any questions about propane?

(闲聊06) Or, propane accessories?

(选择00) Fire it up!

(选择02) You got my attention.

(选择03) Wanna turn up the heat?

(行动00) Naturally.

(行动01) Slammin!

(行动02) You've got it.

(行动03) Let's burn.


(出场00) Somebody called for an exterminator?

(闲聊00) You called down the thunder.

(闲聊01) Now reap the whirlwind.

(闲聊02) Keep it up! I dare ya.

(闲聊03) I\'m about to overload my aggression inhibitors.

(选择00) Ghost reporting.

(选择01) I\'m here.

(选择02) Finally!

(选择03) Call the shot.

(行动00) I hear that.

(行动01) I\'m gone.

(行动02) Never know what hit em.

(行动03) I\'m all over it.


(出场00) All right, bring it on!

(闲聊00) Something you wanted?

(闲聊01) I don\'t have time to f(BEEP)around!

(闲聊02) You keep pushing it boy.

(闲聊03) And I\'ll scrap you along with the aliens!

(选择00) What do YOU want?

(选择01) Yeah?

(选择02) I read ya, SIR.

(选择03) Somethin\' on your mind?

(行动00) Yeah, I\'m going.

(行动01) I dig.

(行动02) No problem!

(行动03) Oh, is that it?


(出场00) Goliath online. Goliath

(闲聊00) MilSpec ED-209 online.

(闲聊01) Checklist protocol initiated.

(闲聊02) Primary ? level one diagnostic...

(闲聊03) USDA Selected. USDA

(闲聊04) FDIC approved. FDIC

(闲聊05) Checklist Completed. SOB.

(选择00) Go ahead Tac-Com.

(选择01) Com-link online.

(选择02) Channel open.

(选择03) Systems functional.

(行动00) Acknowledged HQ.

(行动01) Nav-com locked.

(行动02) Confirmed.

(行动03) Target designated.

Siege Tank

(出场00) Ready to roll out!

(闲聊01) I\'m about to drop the hammer!

(闲聊02) And dispense some indiscriminate justice!

(闲聊03) What is your major malfunction?

(选择00) Yes sir!

(选择01) Destination?

(选择02) Identify target!

(选择03) Orders sir!

(行动00) Move it!

(行动01) Proceedin\'.

(行动02) Delighted to, sir!

(行动03) Absolutely!


(出场00) SCV, good to go, sir. SCV

(Err00) I can\'t build it, something\'s in the way.

(Err01) I can\'t build there.

(闲聊00) Come again, Captain?

(闲聊01) I\'m not readin\' you clearly.

(闲聊02) You ain\'t from around here, are you?

(闲聊03) I can\'t believe they put me in one of these things!

(闲聊04) And now I go put up with this too?

(闲聊05) I told em I was claustrophobic, I go get ou here!

(闲聊06) I\'m locked in here tighter than a frog\'s butt in a


seed fight.

(Tra00) ?


(出场00) Can I take your order?

(闲聊00) When removing your overhead luggage, please be careful.

(闲聊01) In case of a water landing, you may be used as a flotation


(闲聊02) To hurl chunks, please use the vomit bag in front of you.

(闲聊03) Keep your arms and legs inside until this ride comes to a


and complete stop.

(选择00) Go ahead, HQ.

(选择01) I\'m listenin\'.

(选择02) Destination?

(选择03) Input coordinates.

(行动00) In the pipe, five by five.

(行动01) Hang on, we\'re in for some chop.

(行动02) In transit, HQ.

(行动03) Buckle up!

(行动04) Strap yourselves in boys!

(行动05) I copy that.


(出场00) Wraith awaiting launch orders.

(闲聊00) Last transmission breakin\' up...come back...

(闲聊01) I\'m just curious...why am I so good?

(闲聊02) I go get me one of these.

(闲聊03) You know who the best starfighter in the fleet is?

(闲聊04) Yours truly.

(闲聊05) Everybody go die sometime, Red.

(闲聊06) I am the invincible, that\'s right.

(选择00) Go ahead commander.

(选择01) Transmit coordinates.

(选择02) Standin\' by.

(选择03) Reporting in.

(行动00) Coordinates received.

(行动01) Ack formation.

(行动02) Roger.

(行动03) Vector locked-in.


(出场00) Battlecruiser operational.

(闲聊00) Identify yourself!

(闲聊01) Shields up! Weapons online!

(闲聊02) Not equipped with shields? well then buckle up!

(闲聊03) We are getting WAY behind schedule.

(闲聊04) I really have to go...number one.

(选择00) Battlecruiser reporting.

(选择01) Receiving transmission.

(选择02) Good day, commander.

(选择03) Hailing frequencies open.

(行动00) Make it happen.

(行动01) Set a course.

(行动02) Take it slow.

(行动03) Engage!

Science Vessel

(出场00) Explorer reporting.

(闲聊00) I like the cut of your jib!

(闲聊01) E=MC...d\'oh let me get my note. E=MC...?

(闲聊02) Ah, fusion, eh? I\'ll have to remember that.

(闲聊03) Eck, who set all these lab monkeys free?

(闲聊04) I think we may have a gas leak!

(闲聊05) Do any of you fools know how to shut off this infernal


(闲聊06) Ah...the ship.... out of danger?

(选择00) Ah, greetings command!

(选择01) Transmit orders.

(选择02) Receiving headquarters!

(选择03) We have you on visual.

(行动00) Let\'s roll!

(行动01) Excellent!

(行动02) Commencing!

(行动03) Affirmative, sir.


(出场00) Prepped and ready!

(闲聊00) I\'ve already checked you out commander.

(闲聊01) You want another physical?

(闲聊02) Turn your head an cough.

(闲聊03) Ready for your sponge bath?

(闲聊04) His EKG is flatlining! Get me a defib stat!

(闲聊05) Clear! (bzzz)

(闲聊06) He\'s dead, Jim.

(选择00) Need medical attention?

(选择01) Did someone page me?

(选择02) State the nature of your medical emergency!

(选择03) Where does it hurt?

(行动00) Right away!

(行动01) Stat!

(行动02) I\'m on the job!

(行动03) On my way.


(出场00) Valkyrie preed. Valkyrie

(闲聊00) This is very interesting...but stupid.

(闲聊01) I have ways of blowing things up.

(闲聊02) You\'re being very naughty.

(闲聊03) Who\'s your mommy?

(闲聊04) Blucher!

(闲聊05) (horses neighing)

(选择00) Need something destroyed?

(选择01) I am eager to help.

(选择02) Don\'t keep me waiting.

(选择03) Achtung!

(行动00) Of course, mein heir.

(行动01) Perfect!

(行动02) It\'s showtime!

(行动03) Jawoll!

(行动04) Achtung!


(Err00) Not enough minerals.

(Err01) Insufficient vespene gas.

(Err02) Additional supply depots required.

(Err03) Landing sequence interrupted.

(Err04) Inacceptable landing zone.

(Err06) Not enough energy.

(Upd00) Base is under attack.

(Upd01) Your forces are under attack.

(Upd02) Research complete.

(Upd03) Add-on complete.

(UPD04) Nuclear launch detected.

(UPD05) Abandoning auxilorary structure.

(UPD06) Upgrade complete.

(Upd07) Nuclear missile ready.



(出场00) My life for Aiur!

(闲聊00) En Taro Adun!

(闲聊01) All for the Empire!

(闲聊02) Doom to all who threaten the homeworld.

(选择00) What now calls?

(选择01) Issah\'Tu!

(选择02) I long for combat!

(选择03) G\'hous!

(行动00) Gau\'gurah!

(行动01) Thus I serve!

(行动02) Honor guide me!

(行动03) For Adun!


(出场00) I have returned.

(闲聊00) Unauthorized transmission.

(闲聊01) Incorrect protocol.

(闲聊02) (BEEP)Drop your weapon. You have 15 seconds to comply. \"

(闲聊03) 5,4,3,2,1 (fire)

(选择00) Receiving.

(选择01) Awaiting instructions.

(选择02) Transmit.

(选择03) Input command.

(选择04) Glah\'sos

(选择05) Cah\'karadahs

(选择06) Make use of me.

(选择07) I am needed.

(行动00) Confirmed.

(行动01) Initiating.

(行动02) Loch\'tide.

(行动03) Meto\'rah

(行动04) Commencing.

(行动05) Nagat\'soon

(行动06) For vengeance.

High Templar

(出场00) Hasah-hurditum-hari!

(闲聊00) Your thoughts betray you.

(闲聊01) I see you have an appetite for destruction.

(闲聊02) And you learn to use your illusion.

(闲聊03) But I find your lack of control disturbing.

(选择00) Your thoughts?

(选择01) Saragh\'ha!

(选择02) I heed thy call.

(选择03) State thy bidding.

(行动00) You think as I do.

(行动01) It shall be done.

(行动02) My path is set.

(行动03) Ee\'tahk


(出场00) The merging is complete!

(闲聊00) It all looks so different on this side.

(闲聊01) Break on through!

(闲聊02) It\'s beautiful!

(闲聊03) They should have sent a poet.

(选择00) We burn!

(选择01) We need focus!

(选择02) Thorasoh\'cahp

(选择03) Power overwhelming.

(行动00) Destroy!

(行动01) Annihilate!

(行动02) Obliterate!

(行动03) Eradicate!


(出场00) Teleport successful.

(闲聊00) Signal unstable.

(闲聊01) Psionic Link dissipating.

(闲聊02) Adjusting neural transmission.


(闲聊04) ...reengaged

(选择00) Awaiting command.

(选择01) Standing by.

(选择02) Contact.

(选择03) Cho\'gal

(行动00) Chaos

(行动01) Koh\'rahk

(行动02) ...acknowledged

(行动03) It will be done.


(出场00) Warp field stabilized.

(闲聊00) We sense a soul in search of answers.

(闲聊01) Do you seek knowledge of time travel?

(闲聊02) We\'ll take that as a

(闲聊03) And now for your first lesson. Hahaha.

(闲聊04) Do you seek knowledge of time travel?

(选择00) We feel your presence.

(选择01) Duras.

(选择02) Gun Adun

(选择03) We are vigilant.

(行动00) In Khast\'meen

(行动01) Jepahca\'zoen

(行动02) Gowron.


(出场00) Carrier has arrived!

(闲聊00) Our enemies are legion!

(闲聊01) And still you procrastinate!?

(闲聊02) Command, or you will be relieved!

(闲聊03) This is not an idle threat!

(选择00) Instructions.

(选择01) Your command?

(选择02) Loh\'Klahs

(选择03) Ischk\'nu?

(行动00) Commencing.

(行动01) Kokal\'tulah

(行动02) Gau\'ju

(行动03) Affirmative.


(闲聊00) I sense a soul in search of answers.

(闲聊01) It sounds like...a huge, gargantuan, swollen, bloated


(闲聊02) One small step for man, one giant...(static) STOP POKING

ME!!! !


(wi闲聊04) Warcraft zwei, jetzt als Exklusivedition mit dem Expansion

Set...4 Boostern und Zauberlehrbuch

Dark Templar

(出场00) Adun Toridas!

(闲聊00) Your taunts are inadvised, Templar.

(闲聊01) Do not provoke me to violence.

(闲聊02) You can no more evade my wrath...

(闲聊03) ...Than you could your own shadow.

(选择01) Zerashk gulida!

(选择02) I\'m waiting.

(选择03) Neraz Gulio.

(行动00) For Aiur.

(行动01) Ner\'mah!

(行动02) So be it.

(行动03) Very well.


(出场00) It is a good day to die!

(闲聊00) Look at all the pretty lights!

(闲聊01) I wonder what this button does.

(闲聊02) (BEEP) I think this was a BIG mistake.

(闲聊03) (唱歌1)

(闲聊04) (唱歌2)

(闲聊05) Zefram Cochrane, is that you?

(闲聊06) What did you do to your hair?

(选择00) Ready for battle!

(选择01) May I be of service?

(选择02) I stand ready.

(选择03) Let us attack.

(行动00) Excellent!

(行动01) Adun Toridas!

(行动02) Ah, at last!

(行动03) I thought you\'d see it my way.

Dark Archon

(出场00) We are as one!

(闲聊00) Must consume.

(闲聊01) Or oblivion will take us.

(闲聊02) Adun, save me.

(闲聊03) Darkness overpowering!

(选择00) Must have energy!

(选择01) We hear you.

(选择02) Thoughts in chaos!

(选择03) Must feed!

(行动00) We\'ll go.

(行动01) Oblivion awaits!

(行动02) We move!

(行动03) (呻吟)


(Err00) You\'ve not enough minerals.

(Err01) You require more vespene gas.

(Err02) You must construct additional pylons.

(Err06) Not enough energy.

(Upd00) We are under ack!

(Upd01) Your warriors have engaged the enemy.

(Upd02) Research complete.

(Upd04) Nuclear launch detected.

(Upd06) Upgrade complete.


Infested Terran

(出场00) Live for the Swarm!

(闲聊00) I am wretched.

(闲聊01) But I am strong!

(闲聊02) I am the future.

(闲聊03) I am Zerg!

(选择00) Ready to kill!

(选择01) Preed to die!

(选择02) Let me serve!

(选择03) Sacrifice me!

(行动01) Immediately.

(行动02) Gladly!

(行动03) For the Overmind!


(Err00) We require more minerals.

(Err01) We require more vespene gas.

(Err02) Spawn more overlords.

(Err06) Not enough energy.

(Upd00) The hive cluster is under attack.

(Upd01) Our forces are under attack.

(Upd02) Evolution complete.

(Upd04) Nuclear launch detected.

上古卷轴5中的代码可以让玩家获得一些物品、道具或修改人物、游戏属性等,以下是全信件、笔记、书籍代码,玩家可以 按Ctrl+F快速检索想要的名称关键词代码 ,希望能帮到大家。


致塞琳娜的一封信1(A Letter to Selina I) x030c9a DB

致塞琳娜的一封信2(A Letter to Selina II) x030c9b DB

致塞琳娜的一封信3(A Letter to Selina III) x030c9c DB

致塞琳娜的一封信4(A Letter to Selina IV) x030c9d DB

一张神秘的笔记(A Mysterious Note) x017215/x017276/x017381/x01ad50/x033c7d DB

一张潦草的笔记(A Scrawled Note) b1260

一张警告(A Warning) f6928

阿德瑞尔的调查结果(Adril?s Survey Results) x03a4dd DB

艾瑞的笔记(Aeri?s Note) 90e52

感染者的笔记(Afflicted?s Note) 45f94

炼金术士的笔记(Alchemist?s Note) 6df90

阿列休斯的笔记(Alethius?s Notes) c370e

<别名=家>布置( Furnishings) x003f78 HF

全体雇员必读!(All Employees Must Read!) f68a2

阿蒙德?莫提雷的密封信(Amaund Motierre?s Sealed Letter) 5bf2e

一张道歉(An Apology) f68a4

远古的法令(Ancient Edict) ed441

安德斯的留言(Anders?s Message) ff223

八角的信(Anise?s Letter) ddfb6

匿名信(Anonymous Letter) 504ee/504ef

亚龙人仪式(Argonian Ceremony) f68a8

刺客的令状(Assassin?s Writ) x01aa22 DG

雇员注意!(Attention Employees!) f68a0

蓝色巴尔莫拉笔记(Balmora Blue Note) dc176

当心屠夫!(Beware the Butcher!) 21683

血腥长牙命令(Blood Horker Orders) c58a6

染血的信(Bloodstained Letter) d397a/x02b23a 第二个代码为DB

波拉的令状(Bolar?s Writ) 83af6

骨模配方(Bonemold Formula) x02ad3c DB

赏金(Bounty) 95129/bc0a2/bd780/bd791/cba9b

指挥官的笔记(Commander?s Note) 83b05

抱怨信(Complaint Letter) 8aa46

考虑领养(Consider Adoption) x003f7c HF

契约(Contract) 35b65/4ef00

尸体笔记(Corpse Note) ba300

信使的信(Courier?s Letter) 1065f5

信徒的命令(Cultists? Orders) x0331c2 DB

黑暗兄弟会刺客的笔记(Dark Brotherhood Assassin?s Note) 10596a

黑瀑洞穴笔记(Darkfall Cave Note) x00a83b DG

黑瀑通道笔记1(Darkfall Passage Note I) x01860d DG

黑瀑通道笔记2(Darkfall Passage Note II) x018645 DG

黎明守卫命令-哈卡尔(Dawnguard Orders-Hakar) x003517 DG

黎明守卫命令-利诺特(Dawnguard Orders-Lynoit) x003521 DG

黎明守卫命令-塞莉娅(Dawnguard Orders-Saliah) x00350b DG

最亲爱的丁雅(Dearest Dinya) x03a4b2 DB,名称有误

战争的宣言(Declaration of War) x01bfe5 DB

巨龙调查:当前状况(Dragon Investigation:Current Status) 39f2a

德莱斯顿的笔记(Dryston?s Note) d672a

矮人宝物(Dwarven Haul) x006bb3 DG

东帝国线人(East Empire Connection) f6932

艾翠斯的笔记(Eltrys? Note) d1955

睁开双眼(Eyes Open) f692f

法恩达尔的伪造斯万来信(Faendal?s Fake Letter from Sven) 5c846

法琳的致卡塞默的信(Faleen?s Letter to Calcelmo) 26efe

法劳达的笔记(Faralda?s Notes) 5d2ea

父亲的信件(Father?s Missive) 37f89

东帝国公司第一封来信(First Letter from EEC) x03a2a0 DB

林维第一封来信(First Letter from Linwe) d7773

致雪丽(For Shelly) bb3d3

弃誓者信件(Forsworn Missive) a4ce2

弃誓者笔记(Forsworn Note) 83ae3/83b0b

寒霜的身份文件(Frost?s Identity Papers) e8bdb

加留斯?马洛的时间表(Gaius Maro?s Schedule) 15475

格尔蒙德的墓志铭(Geirmund?s Epitaph) e7a33

吉苏尔的笔记(Gissur?s Note) 6deb6

给我一次机会(Give Me a Chance) f692a

葛洛弗的信(Glover?s Letter) x02ad41 DB

金色光辉(Goldenglow) f692e

金色光辉抵押卷(Goldenglow Bill of Sale) 4c6c8/7a508

葛姆的信(Gorm?s Letter) ad8de

美食家的通行令状(Gourmet?s Writ of Passage) 3beb6

格拉提安的信(Gratian?s Letter) x020a44 DB

守卫的命令(Guard?s Orders) e94df

古鲁姆-埃的忏悔(Gulum-Ei?s Confession) ef579

哈布的死亡信(Habd?s Death Letter) 4811f

手写的笔记(Hand-written Note) x033154 DB

书写潦草的笔记(Hastily Scribbled Note) f23ba

需要希里克(Have Need of Cynric) f6931/f6933

赫亚尔晨堂地契(Heljarchen Hall Charter) x0157a1 HF

打手的信件(Hired Thug?s Missive) f98b4

瑞多然家族的回复/雷杜兰家族的回复(House Redoran?s Reply) x03a4dc DB

伊格罗德的笔记(Idgrod?s Note) 940dd

帝国的吊唁(Imperial Condolences) 9020c

帝国的信(Imperial Letter) 83aed

帝国的信件(Imperial Missive) 83afd

帝国的命令(Imperial Order) 524da

诬告信(Incriminating Letter) 50502/749b5/e0ba1/x0050ca 第四个代码为DG

阿兰雯招待会的邀请函(Invitation to Elenwen?s Reception) 42396

伊萨贝拉的信(Isabelle?s Letter) 64eb2

达萨尔的笔记(J?datharr?s Note) 5437d

尤布的作品(页码1)(Jiub?s Opus(Page 1)) x014010 DG

尤布的作品(页码2)(Jiub?s Opus(Page 2)) x014011 DG

尤布的作品(页码3)(Jiub?s Opus(Page 3)) x014012 DG

尤布的作品(页码4)(Jiub?s Opus(Page 4)) x014013 DG

尤布的作品(页码5)(Jiub?s Opus(Page 5)) x014014 DG

尤布的作品(页码6)(Jiub?s Opus(Page 6)) x014015 DG

尤布的作品(页码7)(Jiub?s Opus(Page 7)) x014016 DG

尤布的作品(页码8)(Jiub?s Opus(Page 8)) x014017 DG

尤布的作品(页码9)(Jiub?s Opus(Page 9)) x014018 DG

尤布的作品(页码10)(Jiub?s Opus(Page 10)) x014019 DG

日记碎片(Journal Fragment) x0188c8 DG

一个疯子的日记/狂人日记(Journal of a Madman) x027a13 DB

最高司法官处决命令(Justiciar Execution Order) ba0be

基尔的赏金(Kyr?s Bounty) d07b2

观湖庄园地契(Lakeview Manor Charter) x01579f HF

信(Letter) 8accd/x02b23b 第二个代码为DB

一个朋友来信(Letter from a Friend) 23ee5

<别名=敌人>来信(Letter from ) 71442/71443

<别名=容纳城市>的<别名=领主>来信(Letter from of ) x016130 HF

卡赛默来信(Letter from Calcemo) a0f46

克里斯托夫来信(Letter from Christophe) f6893

佛可?火胡来信(Letter from Falk Firebeard) d91d1

父亲来信(Letter from Father) cc86a

哈尔孔来信(Letter from Harkon) x0126c5 DG

<别名=领主>领主来信(Letter from Jarl ) x010bef HF

乔来信(Letter from Jon) 27f74

玛雯来信(Letter from Maven) f6894

奥菲娜来信(Letter from Olfina) 27f73

奎因图斯?那瓦勒来信(Letter from Quintus Navale) 249af

拉里斯?瑟达利斯来信(Letter from Ralis Sedarys) x0365ff DB

拉里斯?瑟达利斯来信2(Letter from Ralis Sedarys 2) x036600 DB

拉里斯?瑟达利斯来信3(Letter from Ralis Sedarys 3) x036601 DB

拉里斯?瑟达利斯来信4(Letter from Ralis Sedarys 4) x036602 DB

撒布乔恩来信(Letter from Sabjorn) f6895

塞普汀默示?席格努斯来信(Letter from Septimus Signus) f6842

独孤来信(Letter from Solitude) 7d02f

总管来信(Letter from the Steward) cadec

<别名=容纳城市>的管家来信(Letter from the Steward of ) x0030a1 HF

吸血鬼来信(Letter from the Vampire) x006956 DG

信用证(Letter of Credit) 5b49e

遗嘱信(Letter of Inheritance) 1bff5

致宾-加的信(Letter to Beem-Ja) e7f3c

致高迪尔的信(Letter to Golldir) 19fea

致帝国城市的信(Letter to Imperial City) x026ae8 DB

致萨尔玛的信(Letter to Salma) e7f3b

致乌沙的信(Letter to Usha) x03537c DB

致瓦尔斯?威冉的信(Letter to Vals Veran) 19feb

洛卡林的命令(Lorcalin?s Orders) dd99c

迈德纳奇的笔记(Madanach?s Note) e2513

马尼的信(Mani?s Letter) d0968

非常感谢(Many Thanks) f689b

玛拉向你展露微笑!(Mara Smiles Upon You!) f68a7

米雷利致母亲的信(Mireli?s Letter to Mother) x0277f1 DB

莫古尔的命令(Mogrul?s Orders) x037251 DB

博物馆小册子(Museum Pamphlet) 94d8b

神秘的笔记(Mysterious Note) 3031f/5224a

津查守卫的笔记(Mzinchaleft Guard?s Note) db0d7

津查工作订单(Mzinchaleft Work Order) 88fe8

死灵法师的信(Necromancer?s Letter) 83b08

尚无消息(No Word Yet) f692c

笔记(Note) 6dfaf/6f63c/8b471/c0136/c2be4/d120c/d1246/x015d88 第八个代码为DG

来自加雷-拉的笔记(Note from Jaree-Ra) f23e0

来自玛雯的笔记(Note from Maven) f68a3

来自莫古尔的笔记(Note from Mogrul) x01ff2a DB

来自阿格娜的笔记(Note from Agna) bc6fd

致洛拉克的笔记(Note to Rhorlak) 78621

致鲁道夫的笔记(Note to Rodulf) e163f

致托马斯的笔记(Note to Thomas) c3b1a

致当权者的笔记(Note to the Authorities) 9793a

通知(Notice) 8accc

花销增加的通知(Notice of Cost Increase) f68a6

官方的警告(Official Warning) 68253

命令(Orders) 6dfac/x007ecb 第二个代码为DG

依照你的要求(Per Your Requests) f68aa

可能的对手(Possible Rivals) f692d

张贴的通知(Posted Notice) x03a4b3 DB

囚犯的计划(Prisoner?s Plan) e94f1

私人的信(Private Letter) d9399

期票(Promissory Note) 813b6

购买协议(Purchase Agreement) 557ec/85d4e

相当满意(Quite Pleased) f689e

拉?吉尔的笔记(Ra?jirr?s Note) d0032

拉格特的回复(Rahgot?s Reply) 6df94

关于你的损失(Regarding Your Loss) f6897

修复供给(Repair Supplies) f798c

一次骚乱的报告(Reports of a Disturbance) f68a9

请求帮助!(Request for Help!) f689c

请求来自(Request from) 39fc3

请求的报告(Requested Report) f6898

里盖尔的信(Rigel?s Letter) 37f87

罗迦图斯的信(Rogatus?s Letter) 931c2

洛拉丝的信(Roras?s Letter) 37f8a

纸张碎片(Scrap of Paper) x01a436 DG

潦草的笔记(Scrawled Note) x031cc8 DB

潦草的书页(Scrawled Page) d3979

书写潦草的笔记(Scribbled Note) 5b9c9

一个疯子的涂鸦(Scribbles of a Madman) x027a21 DB

东帝国公司第二封来信(Second Letter from EEC) x03a2a1 DB

林维第二封来信(Second Letter from Linwe) 7d67d

瑟吉尔斯的笔记(Sergius?s Note) 3dd30

沙瓦利的笔记(Shavari?s Note) 6deb5

货物已经到达(Shipment?s Arrived) f692b

货物已经就绪(Shipment?s Ready) 65bda

购物清单(Shopping List) f689a

西比?黑荆棘(Sibbi Black-Briar) f68ab

小笔记(Small Note) f5bc0

走私者的笔记(Smugglers? Note) dd998

士兵的请求(Soldier?s Request) 8aa45

宋达斯的笔记(Sondas?s Note) 69007

风暴斗篷信件(Stormcloak Missive) 83aff/83b04

斯万的伪造法恩达尔来信(Sven?s Fake Letter from Faendal) 5c847

破烂的笔记(Tattered Note) 108160

梭默命令(Thalmor Orders) 97803

家宅新手的指南(The Beginner's Guide to Homesteading) x015d59 HF

乌兰事务(The Ulen Matter) x01f31b DB

玛拉的温暖(The Warmth of Mara) 53347

盗贼的遗言(Thief?s Last Words) f0425

需要做的事情(Things to Do) f689f

东帝国公司第三封来信(Third Letter from EEC) x03a2a2 DB

及时出价/及时雨(Timely Offer) f6929

致一个烦恼的市民(To a Concerned Citizen) f68a5

立即阅读!(To Be Read Immedately!) f68a1

致米洛瑞来自尼拉拉(To Milore from Nilara) x03a4b4 DB

致主人(To the Owner) f6899

致兄弟会(To the Brotherhood) f6896

托吉尔德致乌尔夫的信(Torkild?s Letter to Wulf) x026562 DB

撕破的笔记(Torn Note) 74adf/x03780a 第二个代码为DB

托娃的告别(Tova?s Farewell) d2b09

训练箱(Training Chests) f6930

宝藏猎人的笔记(Treasure Hunter?s Note) a17b0

下次再见(Until Next Time) f689d

乌拉葛的笔记(Urag?s Note) 3d29d

沃德的债务(Vald?s Debt) 72b13

瓦米尔的命令(Valmir?s Orders) 93cf6

吸血鬼的笔记(Vampire?s Note) x006e58 DG

警告(Warning) 78561

瞭望塔守卫的信(Watchtower Guard?s Letter) 83aef

韦林的笔记(Weylin?s Note) d670f

文斯塔德庄园地契(Windstad Manor Charter) x0157a0 HF

黎明的令状(Writ of Dawn) x0034dc DG

执行的令状:<别名=敌人>(Writ of Execution: ) x027e9f DB

执行的令状:(玩家)(Writ of Execution:(Player)) x027e9f DB

封印的令状(Writ of Sealing) f1c17/f1c18/f1c19

伊索尔达的口信(Ysolda?s Message) e1a9f