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来自维基:A jump rope, skipping rope, or skip rope is the primary tool used in the game of skipping played by children and many young adults, where one or more participants jump over a rope swung so that it passes under their feet and over their heads. This may consist of one participant turning and jumping the rope, or a minimum of three participants taking turns, two of whom turn the rope while one or more jumps. Sometimes the latter is played with two turning ropes; this form of the activity is called Double Dutch and is significantly more difficult. Jump-rope rhymes are often chanted beginning when the skipper jumps in and ending when the skipper is tripped up.In contrast to running, jumping rope is unlikely to lead to knee damage since the impact of each jump or step is absorbed by the balls of both feet rather than the heels. This decreases the ground reaction forces through the patella-femoral joint greatly. Jumping rope also helps strengthen the arms and shoulders. This combination of an aerobic workout and coordination-building footwork has made jumping rope a popular form of exercise for athletes, especially boxers and wrestlers. Individuals or groups can participate in the exercise, and learning proper jump rope technique is simple compared to many other athletic activities. The exercise is also appropriate for a wide range of ages and fitness levels. Jumping rope is particularly effective in an aerobic routine combined with other activities, such as walking, biking, or running.CompetitionA young girl playing on a jump rope.Jump rope is a sport, practiced at a competitive level for young kids or adults. Athletes compete in individual and team events using single ropes or double-Dutch. In freestyle routines, jumpers have a set time limit to demonstrate a combination of skills; in many competitions these are choreographed to music. During the speed events, athletes try to complete as many jumps as possible within a particular amount of time. For example, the world record for 30 second speed is 188 jumps. The FISAC-IRSF World Jump Rope Championships is held in July every other year. In 2006 Toronto, Canada hosted the event and in 2008 it was held in South Africa. The 4th Asian Rope Skipping Championship was held on 9 February 2007 at the Talkatora Indoor Stadium, New Delhi, India. Jump rope exhibitions are also frequently staged at events such as festivals, charity functions, and sporting half-time shows.Though many only see jump rope as a simple, fun activity, those familiar with its development of a competitive side consider it a sport. Serious jump rope athletes train rigorously year-round. Jumping rope takes immense strength, endurance, focus, and patience, and can be much more than a schoolyard game of chanting rhymes.In the United States, the main jump rope organization is USA Jump Rope. USAJR is composed of hundreds of jump roping teams and hundreds of jumpers from all over the country. These teams attend workshops, training camps, perform for the public, and compete against each other throughout the year. USA Jump Rope sponsors various regional competitions and a national competition at Walt Disney World's Wide World of Sports Complex in Orlando, Florida every June. In 2009 the Competition was held in Galveston, Texas. USA Jump Rope Nationals is broadcast by ESPN annually. Competing teams consist of athletes of all ages, but are most commonly graduate school to high school-aged individuals.Historically in the United States there were two competing jump rope organizations: the International Rope Skipping Organization (IRSO), and the World Rope Skipping Federation (WRSF). IRSO focused on stunt-oriented and gymnastic/athletic type jump rope moves, while the WRSF appreciated the aesthetics and form of jump roping. In 1995 these two organizations merged to form The United States Amateur Jump Rope Federation (USAJRF), which was recently renamed USA Jump Rope to fit the trend of other Olympic and Olympic-hopeful sports.问题:how many kinds jumping rope techniques there are?答:Some of the techniques that can be used when jumping rope are:Basic jump This is where both feet are slightly apart and jump at the same time over the rope. Beginners should master this technique first before moving onto more advanced techniques. Alternate foot jump (speed step) This style consists of using alternate feet to jump off the ground. This technique can be used to effectively double the number of skips per minute as compared to the above technique. Criss-cross This method is similar to the basic jump with the only difference being that while jumping, the left hand goes to the right part of the body and vice versa for the right hand. Double under To perform a double under, the participant needs to jump up a bit higher than usual while swinging the rope twice under his feet. It is possible to have the rope swing three times under the feet (triple under). In fact, in competitive jump rope, triples, quadruples ("quads"), and quintuples ("quins") are not uncommon. Combination jumps There are many more difficult jump roping tricks that combine two or more of these techniques to make a single trick. These combinations can also be used in Chinese Wheel, Double Dutch, Egg Beater, triangle and Long Rope. Toad The toad is a complicated trick where the jumper performs the "Cross" manoeuvre with their leg intersecting the arms. Other Many other variations are possible, including: "skier", a side-to-side jump keeping the feet together; "bell", a front-and-back jump keeping the feet together; "scissors", a jump putting one foot forward and the other back, then switching back-and-forth; "jumping jack", a jump putting the feet apart and then together; and "can-can" a jump with one leg up and bent, followed by a jump with both feet on ground, followed by a jump kicking the foot out.篮球相关的英语术语jumpers n. 跳线;[服装] 连衫裤童装;跳跃者(jumper的复数)网络释义 专业释义 英英释义 连衫裤童装 无袖套衫 无袖连身装 毛衣短语Jelly Jumpers 果冻跳跃 ; 飞天果冻英雄 ; 飞天果冻Atrapa Jumpers 星星跳跃Wooly Jumpers 羊毛衣 一个好的 篮球 英语翻译不仅能影响球员,教练和俱乐部,甚至能影响篮球比赛的结果。以下是我为大家整理的关于篮球相关的英语术语,欢迎阅读! 篮球相关的英语术语:有关篮球规则的英语术语 traveling:走步违例 walking:带球走步 three-second:篮下3秒。three-second violation:(篮下)3秒钟之违例 technical foul:技术犯规 shot clock violation:24秒违例 rule:规则 illegal offense:进攻违例 charging foul:带球撞人犯规 blocking foul:阻挡犯规 Carry the ball:翻腕违例 Cheap-shot:故意犯规 Charge:冲撞 defensive three second rule:防守三秒规则 double dribble:两次运球 Double foul:双方犯规 flagrant foul:恶性犯规 hacking:打手犯规 hard fouls:严厉的犯规;指季后赛时,防守上不允许对手得分的犯规里,都是最激烈的 holding:拉手犯规 illegal screen:非法掩护 palming:我们常说「翻腕」,运球违例动作,也作carrying the ball personal foul:个人犯规 violations:违例 Goaltending:干扰球 篮球相关的英语术语:篮球进攻技术相关的英语术语 wrist flex:手腕下压;投篮技术。

1、投篮时候,手腕快速做向前下方压的动作 two handed windmill:双手大车轮灌篮;攻篮技术。


3、 two handed jam:双手灌篮;攻篮技术。


5、 two handed 360:双手转体360度;攻篮技术。


7、 turnover:失误;攻守记录。

8、 turn:转身;技术动作。

9、 triple-double:三双 trick:花巧动作;球员攻击动作的形容。

10、 toss:抛射;攻击技术。

11、 tip in shot:拨球入网;攻击技术。


13、 tip in:补篮;攻击技术。

15、 throw a baseball pass:长传快攻; three-point shot:三分投篮。

16、 three-pointer:三分球 tap in:托球入篮;攻篮技术。

17、通常是队友攻篮没投进,然后在跟随跳起空中的第一时间把球像打 排球 一样的托弹,使球进入篮框;托球技术,多数使用单手,而且是利用手指头的第一指掌托弹球 spin move:转身过人 slam dunk:重扣,扣篮 sky hook:勾射 shot fakes:投篮假动作 shooting:投篮;攻篮技术 reverse lay up:反手上篮 reverse dunk:反手灌篮 push:推;投篮技术动作。


19、 pump fake:pump fake:投篮的假动作,禁区低位单打时,先做持球往上举的投篮假动作之后,观察防守者动作再进行攻击的投篮;此持球上举动作是假动作 post-up play:背篮框单打战术 posting:进攻卡位 post play:禁区单打 points in the paint:禁区得分 pivot:旋转;技术动作。


21、 pick:掩护;进攻技战术 perimeter shot:中距离投篮 inside play:内线单打 hook shot:钩射 fade away shot:后仰投篮 drop step:低位转身 dunk:灌篮 driving lay up:运球上篮 spin move:转身过人 offense:进攻 lay up:上篮 jab steps:交叉步 finger roll:挑篮,低手上篮时手指拨球的动作 field goal:投篮得分 fast break:快攻 fake:假动作(n),做假动作(v);包含持球时头部、脚等假动作 driving lay up:运球上篮 drop step:低位转身 dribbling-crossover:运球过人 cross leg dribble:胯下运球 catch and shoot:接球就投 behind the back dribble:背后运球 bank shot:擦板球;bank还可以当动词用。

22、打板投篮 baby hook:小勾射 alley-oop:空中接力 assist:助攻 Bury a shot投篮命中 crossover:跨下运球过人 dribble:运球,突破 driving to the hoop:带球上篮 drill...(such as a 3-pter or a shot)投中.... fast break Pts:快攻得分 field goal:投球命中 floater:行进间抛射 free throw:罚球 Fall in:投进 from the deep/from the arc:三分线外(投篮) holding-crossover:持球过人 jockey for position:(篮下)卡位 make the basket:投篮得分 make the hoop:投篮得分 mid-range jumpers:中距离跳投,另一种说法是 perimeter shot;perimeter是「周围、周边」的意思 nothing but the net:空心球(入篮) No-look pass:声东击西的传球 off the dribble运球,持球;shoot off dribble 运球后投篮 offensive run:进攻高潮 outlet pass:抢到篮球板后的第一传,一般都是隔场的长传 perimeter shot:中距离投篮 posterize隔人扣篮经常用的词汇 score a basket:投篮得分 swish:空心球(入篮) step-back jumper:后撤步跳投 second-chance points二次篮板得分 sick:sick dunk!!!形容扣篮精彩 Tomahawk:战斧式扣篮 trey:n. [俚] 三分球 tear drop:抛投 upfake投篮时的假动作 Windmill:风车式扣篮 elevator two-handed double pump dunk双手大力扣篮 one-handed off the backboard one-handed jam单手打板单手接扣 360-degree helicopter one-handed dunk360度转体单手扣篮 180-degree reverse double-pump slam180度转体反手大力扣篮 180-degree reverse two-handed strawberry jam from a lob bounce off the floor接击地反弹球180度转体双手背扣 篮球相关的英语术语:篮球战术的英语术语 zone defense:区域防守;防守战术。



25、 wing screen:两翼掩护;进攻战术。

26、在球场两侧的45度之3分线附近,由内线高个子球员替两翼的2号得分后卫(shooting guard)、3号小前锋(small forward)球员做对持(运)球掩护(on ball screen)的技战术称之。

27、 triangle offense:三角战术;进攻战术 triangle and two:三区域二盯人;防守战术。

28、两个防守者采取紧迫盯人亦步亦趋跟随,另外三个防守者站于禁区三角形(正三角或倒三角),然后形成区域防守之战术;此防守重点在于二位盯人, 其它 三角防守者,则在于利于协防。

29、 transition offense:转换快攻;进攻战术。

30、 transition defense:转换防守;防守技术。

31、 to pick defense:对掩护防守;防守技术。

32、一是进攻方对持(运)球者设立掩护(on ball screen),要主打掩护变化(screen away)时,防守方因应技术有六种(1.障碍缓冲:show or hedge后障碍后还原:show and recover;2.交换防守:switching或称跳出交换:jump switch;3.包夹:trap的关门防守:defender closes in;4.穿出防守:slide through;5.由前跨过:over the top;6.底下跟随:follow保护禁区:shadow post);二是进攻方采取空手和空手掩护(off ball screen),此防守方概略有二种(交换:switch与不交换:从中间穿出、由前跨过跟随等)因应技术。

33、to cutting defense:对空手切防守;防守技术。

34、对进攻方空手、无球的球员,在空跑位时的防守;就是阻绝(deny)与随球移动(move as the ball)二项防守的结合,然后尽量不让进攻方接球攻击。

35、 to grading defense:对持球防守;防守技术。

36、进攻方持球在手,尚未下球运球时,防守方对此的防守;概略划分为二大类,一是贴身对球施压(pressure the ball),其次是判断持球者缺乏外线投篮能力,于是距离持球者约一只手之隔的对球施压,注意持球者的下球过人。

37、 spread offense:拖延战术 shallow cut:浅切;进攻技战术。

38、空手掩护(off ball screen)的技战术之一;那是由3分线45度空手切往罚球线,再藉由处于罚球线高位(high post)的队友身体做成障碍物的遮蔽,由罚球线空手切跑到对边45度3分线外,寻求空档接球攻击的技战术称之。

39、 set play:系统战;球队进攻战术名称。

40、或称半场固定进攻战术,有别于机遇战(early action)、开放式进攻(open court)等不拘形式的进攻战术;那是球队有条不紊的、有组织、有系统、有计划的进攻战术。

41、 running screen:跑动掩护 run and gun:跑打战术;进攻战术。